Divi Eswar Chowdary

Currently Playing with LLMs

Andhra Pradesh, India



As an AI Engineer, I specialize at converting ideas into deployable models. I am a Computer Science student specializing in Artificial Intelligence, with a strong academic background. I am particularly interested in computer vision, natural language processing (NLP), and generative AI. I enjoy working on efficient deep learning models and have developed innovative AI solutions throughout my academic career.

Work Experience


2023 June - 2023 August

Data Scientist Intern

Worked on creating product embeddings using multi-task learning based on RFM attributes.


Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

2024 - 2024
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence


Deep Learning: PyTorch, Lightning AI, Transformers, PEFT, Bitsandbytes, Hugging Face Ecosystem
LLMs: Langchain, Llamaindex, Langgraph
Databases: MongoDB, Supabase, Pinecone, Qdrant, ChromaDB
Languages: JavaScript, Python, SQL
Frameworks: React, Streamlit, FastAPI, Gradio

Research Papers

This paper presents a study on the detection of Parkinson's Disease (PD) from T1-weighted MRI scans using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). The study investigates the potential for bias propagation in CNN models due to data leakage and evaluates the generalizability of the models to external datasets.
This paper presents a approach to ASR for Dravidian languages like Tamil and Telugu. It builds upon the strengths of the powerful Whisper model, known for its multilingual capabilities, and fine-tunes it specifically for these under-resourced languages. This approach achieves significant improvements in WER compared to existing models.
This paper presents an approach to forecast rainfall in Kerala using LSTM models. The study compares the performance of LSTM models with traditional time series forecasting methods and demonstrates the superior accuracy of LSTM models in predicting rainfall in the region.